A dog gazing intently at his owner’s boyfriend has captured the internet’s attention, sparking curiosity about his motives.
Reddit user U/Decent_Associate1140 shared a video of her dog, Nacho, sitting on the couch with his paws resting on her boyfriend, while staring deeply into his eyes. The post has garnered 6,400 upvotes in the subreddit “Animals being funny.”
“Nacho often gazes at my boyfriend for actual minutes without any clear reason,” she wrote.
In the video, Nacho sits beside her boyfriend on the couch, with his paws on his chest, keeping his gaze fixed on him.
“He’s trying to avoid eye contact,” the boyfriend says on camera, as Nacho continues his intense stare.
Reddit users were quick to speculate why Nacho might be holding his gaze so firmly.
“Uumm he took Nacho’s spot on the couch,” commented user CarpetGlum1547.
“Nacho spot,” quipped another Redditor.
Dogs can stare for many reasons, often signaling affection, curiosity, or even a desire for attention.
According to WebMD, a dog’s gaze can be a sign of bonding, as eye contact releases oxytocin, a hormone which releases a feeling of love and well-being for both humans and dogs.
However, dogs might also stare when they’re waiting for cues from their owner, like when it’s time to play, go outside, or get a treat.
In Nacho’s case, the prolonged stare at his owner’s boyfriend could indicate a mix of bonding and curiosity or a subtle request for attention.

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On the other hand, a dog’s stare can sometimes signal discomfort or stress. The Dogs Trust highlights that signs of discomfort in dogs can include stiff body language, lip licking, or yawning as a way to calm themselves. If Nacho’s gaze seems tense, it could be a hint of discomfort rather than affection.
Opinions varied in the comments about what might be behind Nacho’s gaze.
“My dog does this when he wants to cuddle,” shared user chainer1216.
“I know dogs that did that to me, and when I stared back, wide-eyed, they would get the zoomies. Nacho may want to play,” another user suggested.
“The dog could also be jealous of the boyfriend. My dog would do that stuff with my ex-husband and me sitting together,” noted another viewer.
Newsweek reached out to u/Decent_Associate1140 for comment via Reddit. We could not verify the details of the case.
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