Puppy Caught Terrorizing Older Dog As the Pair Learn To Accept Each Other

Puppy Caught Terrorizing Older Dog As the Pair Learn To Accept Each Other

Blissfully unaware that her puppy shenanigans had been getting on the older dog’s nerves, one young pup continues terrorizing her in a hilarious video montage.

Owner Stephanie Cicciarelli has a 7-year-old shar pei and an American Staffordshire mix who was rescued as a puppy. Kiwi spent her whole life growing up with a German shorthaired pointer, but when that dog, unfortunately, passed in 2023, Cicciarelli thought it was time for a new friend to join the family. That’s when Peach entered the scene.

With nonstop puppy energy, Peach the 1-year-old German shorthaired pointer has been all over Kiwi, forcing her to accept the chaos. She doesn’t care if Kiwi is tired of it, if Peach wants to play, Peach will play. Luckily, Kiwi is one patient dog.

The May 1 Instagram video posted to the account @peachthegsp is just a short snippet of what Cicciarelli sees daily. Part of the caption reads: “If I put them all, the reel would be 3 hours long.”

Peach wanted to be involved in every minute of Kiwi’s day. She smothered Kiwi with kisses even as the dog tried pulling away. No couch is safe for Kiwi to rest on. Peach will be right next to her or, sometimes, sitting on top of her because, well, she could never be close enough.

And through it all, Kiwi keeps a level temper. Her eyes scream she’s tired of the craziness in the household, but she knows Peach is there to stay and puts up with it.

Although this clip highlighted Peach’s nonstop energy, Cicciarelli told Newsweek via Instagram that it is not always like that. Peach is much more relaxed now that she has grown older.

“She’s not chewing on Kiwi’s head as often or jumping on her unprovoked, but she still stalks her, pounces on her, tries to entice Kiwi to play with her,” she said. “But mostly they just relax and sleep together.”

What Do Viewers Say?

The Instagram video reached viral status, bringing in over 11.2 million views, 517,000 likes, and 2,018 comments.

“I’d pay any amount of money to see the 3-hour video of those two bothering each other,” said a user.

Another shared a likely conversation between the two: “‘You know I could destroy you, don’t you?’ ‘I know,’ continues to irritate in every way possible until bedtime!!”

A third added: “Typical sibling interaction. My face hurts from smiling. Love them!”

While most viewers loved the interaction between the two personalities, some were concerned it would lead to problems between the dogs.

A viewer chimed in: “Sometimes they’re playing, but from my experience when a dog sits on another dog or gets over the top of them, it’s to try to show dominance. But I know if the big dog gets tired of it, they’ll handle it.”

Cicciarelli informed viewers that “these clips only represent a small fraction of their relationship.” Most of the time these dogs are spent sleeping and cuddling each other and Peach’s energy helps keep Kiwi active.

Older dog patient with puppy
Screenshots from a May 1 Instagram video montage of an older dog’s most patient moments with the new puppy. The puppy constantly wants to play and be around the older dog.


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